ProjectV Split Champion 2023

At the beginning of the split, we were declared underdogs or not even noticed by many in the community, but our team showed a consistently strong performance across all match days and quickly made a home at the top of the table. With many points separating us from the runner-up, we were able to advance to the offline finals and met little resistance from team Rizon in the semifinals. With 13-1 (Lotus) and 13-7 (Haven), dominance was quickly shown here. With a clear 2-0 we entered the final.

The grand final was awaited by Reveal Multigaming, who beat Veni Esports 2-1. In the first map, Ascent, our guys stumbled a bit and could get the victory only after the third overtime (16-14). On split our team quickly gained the upper hand and secured the match with a 13-6 to take the trophy home.

The next big tournament for our VALORANT team is at 27. May at the A1 eSports Festival in Vienna! Stay tuned for more good news!